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Between you & I: Journal Prompt

7/7 advice guidance international day of peace and love journal prompt love medicine peace portal sanctuary seaworth wholeness wholeness Jul 07, 2023
Between you & I, 
Summer and I are not friends. I find myself wanting & needing more alone time during this season. After years of ‘thriving’ off of a busy social calendar, my body humbled me as I laid in a hospital bed at the age of 24 not being able to go to the bathroom without a nurse. Forced to become friends with the oxygen tank as it became a part of my wardrobe. I was offered a choice…
Run away from myself to fit in or run back home to myself. Acknowledging my wiring and how the hustle lifestyle does not mix with my mind, body, heart or spirit. It never has + it never will. 
Today is 7/7, International Day of Peace and Love. Reality is, the love and peace you share with your world only goes so far if you don’t include yourself in the equation. 
In honor of this day, let’s ponder some questions:
• What brings you peace? 
• When was the last time you disconnected from the hustle of this world and connected with yourself? 
• What is your definition of love?
• Are you at peace with yourself? 
As always, remain gentle with what might come up. Let the emotions flow. You got this. Journey on. 

Interested in the audio version of this blog post? Click below to listen! 


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